Consolidated Telephone Co.
Customer Service: 800-742-7464
Internet Support: 800-232-7094

Email Phishing Scam

Attention Customers,

Reported Emails

We have been receiving calls about emails reported to be from us requesting action on renewing plans. These are phishing scams. You will not receive any emails from us that are not initiated by contact from you requesting something specific like a form.

Official Plan Change

For any type of plan change, which would be very rare, would come in the form of a paper letter from us through the USPS. If you receive an email asking you to click on a link that is not our bill notification, please disregard and delete.

DO NOT Click Any Email Links

Do NOT click on any links. Even our bill notification, you do not need to click on the provided login link if you are at all worried it doesn't come from us. You will always be able to access your account through our homepage.

Important Cybersecurity

It's very important to us that our customers cybersecurity is protected. It is always a good idea to investigate origins of emails requesting an action through clicking on provided links that come from any source you were not expecting.


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